Day 46: “I’m gonna sell you on eBay!”



A couple of years ago, one of my best friends had the habit of embracing one of us in a hug and saying slyly in a high-pitched voice, “I’m going to sell you on eBay!” During a quick trip to one of the convenience stores on campus at the end of that school year, I had the spontaneous urge to assemble one of the packing boxes and take a picture of myself all ready to be shipped through eBay to my friend. Since then, I’ve tried to remember to take a picture of myself in a box to share with my friend whenever the opportunity presented itself.

I had the chance to finally Skype with her today after rescheduling several times over the past week or so. By the end of our conversation, I had the urge to run over and a take a picture in a box as I had done two years ago. I recruited a friend and had him join me on the endeavor.  It was fun to relive tradition and to know that I can still fit comfortably in a 18x18x18 packaging box.

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